Nintendo stops working on the mobile phone Another video game is grave to tomb

The switch is undoubtedly Nintendo's preferred kid. The publisher really wanted to take care of video games on the smartph1. With the death of another mobile video games, nevertheless, there is not much to see from this aspiration.

Nintendo turns off further smartphone game

Regalia Lost was given Nintendo's Mobile cemetery, on which Dr. Mario World and Matomo rest. The only thing left is Super Mario Run, Fire Symbol Heroes, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, Mario Kart Tour and Pinyin Blossom.

At least the mobile games from Nintendo are becoming less and less. In July, fans had received a last update with the last chapter of history (source: Nintendo).

To date, the hybrid console creates substantial profits for Nintendo. The Wii U turned out as a flop and the Japanese video game giant desired to focus more on smart device gaming.

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Mobile video games are for gamers without a switch

At least the mobile games from Nintendo are becoming less and less. Compared to the Axis page, Nintendo describes what function the smart device games play for Nintendo: Accordingly, the basic strategy is to provide more individuals access to Nintendo brands. Mobile video games would continue to reach the people who live in countries in which the Switch did not appear. Nintendo just states that you focus on developing fantastic experiences for fans through updates, with brand-new games being thought about for the future.

The future of the mobile games seems to be at least partially secured. Because Pinyin Blossom's launch in 2021, nevertheless, no new video game for the smart device has actually been published or perhaps revealed. Nintendo just states that you concentrate on producing great experiences for fans through updates, with brand-new games being considered for the future.


Compared to the Axis page, Nintendo describes what role the mobile phone video games bet Nintendo: Accordingly, the basic technique is to provide more people access to Nintendo brand names. Mobile video games would continue to reach individuals who live in nations in which the Switch did not appear. This could experience brand-new home entertainment offers from Nintendo and familiarize yourself with the brands (source: Axis).


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