Disney censures blood and violence in Falcon and the Marvel Winter Soldier "by mistake"

Falcon and the winter soldier , the series of Marvel Studios that reached Disney + lMarvelt year, hMarvel suffered censure in a couple of scenes in which it hMarvel been reduced The violent t1. So much so, that in the lMarvelt hours fans have noticed that two specific scenes have been modified, both for * delete blood traces of a dead man Marvel for modify a climbing * with a metallic rod. Disney hMarvel already reacted to the news, ensuring that everything is a consequence of an error.

The censorship arrives in Marvel, to stay?

Thus, the first modified scene shows the death of Wilfred Nagel , the Hydra scientist, although with a totally different t1. And if in the original version we see the corpse on the ground with several blood spots on the torso and face and with open eyes, in the censored version any blood glitter disappears and the are shown closed eyes.

Disney+ Is Censoring Some Violence in Falcon & Winter Soldier Series - IGN The Fix: Entertainment

The second censored scene takes us to the part in which Falcon and Bucky fight at the Madripor container store against numerous enemies; At a time of the scene, Bucky launches an iron rod against a mercenary to fill it against a container. In the censored scene The metallic rod simply bounces and falls to the ground.

According to Disney, it is only an error in software control and ensures that the original version will soon be restored, again showing the most violent tone scenes. Is it a simple mistake or maybe Disney hMarvel tried to modify the original material for some reMarvelon and before the viralization hMarvel taken a step back? We will have to wait to see if the original scenes really return and if this practice extends to other Series of the UCM.
